Body-Brain-World: Inquiry

Themes in my research and inquiry activities include:

Genuine Health Transformation in Human Beings

Regeneration of Land and Ecosystems

Regeneration of land, food production and ecosystem robustness and integrity share many principles. As we move along, this website and the activities of the Higher Synthesis Foundation will build out a discussion of these parallels and interrelationships.

Body-Brain-World Parallels and Interplay

Underpinnings of the whole bio-brain-regulatory systems medicine approach, include:

      • The interface between metabolism and electrophysiology/electromagnetic communication in brain and body
      • Environmental genomics
      • Body-Brain-World interfaces and synergies

Higher Synthesis

Higher Synthesis as an approach that transcends, synthesizes and synergizes partial perspectives

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About Me

Dr. Martha Herbert is a pediatric neurologist, neuroscientist, systems thinker and writer.


Phone: 857-366-9399Fax: 857-263-5810777 Concord Avenue, Suite 301, Cambridge, MAGet Directions